Profile of the supervisor
Prof. dr. Henny van der Mei is professor in “Biomaterial related biofilms and infections” and is specialized in mechanisms of bacterial adhesion to biomaterial surfaces and inhibiting biofilm formation on biomaterial surfaces by modifying these surfaces. She received several grants and her work has been published in peer reviewed international journals (>450 papers) and bookchapters (>35). She supervised over 67 theses with various micro-biology related subjects and is a former director of the W.J. Kolff institute for Biomedical Engineering and Material Science.
Biofilms, Antimicrobial Coatings, Infection, Biomaterials.
Profile of the research group
The research section “Biomaterial Associated Infection” is part of the Department of Biomedical Engineering within the University Medical Center Groningen. The group is a world-leader in biofilm research and studies the mechanisms governing the interaction of microorganisms and microorganisms in co-culture with tissue cells with biomaterials surfaces, both in vitro and in vivo. Biofilm community aspects of implant infections as well as antimicrobial, probiotic and physico-chemical intervention methods in the development of biomaterials-related infections form part of the research. We have a very lively, multi-national and interdisciplinary lab, with collaborations running between several international universities and institutes.