Novel PD1-PDL1 Antagonists and Rv2234 Binder for Tuberculosis Treatment
Modern Drug Discovery is an exciting mix of technology platforms performed in multidisciplinary teams and offers open minded the opportunity to fundamentally contribute to areas of unmet medical needs such as tuberculosis. Rv2234 phosphatase and PD1-PDL1 protein protein interaction are exciting new targets for tuberculosis drugs, which will be investigated during the ALERT program. Rv2234 phosphatase is a transcriptional regulator and animal models with mutant Rv2234 indicate strongly reduced bacillary load. Recent research indicates that the PD-1 axis could be a host drug target for immunomodulatory treatments of tuberculosis. The PI lab has a strong base in PD1-PDL1 medicinal chemistry and protein science.
Department: RUG, GRIP
Principal investigator(s): Prof. Alexander Dömling